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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Work with the facts, live with the truth about ANTIFA

A cop killed a man in St. Paul, MN and it was filmed by his girlfriend in a live feed on Facebook. The cop, sounding frantic, was still pointing the gun as Phildo Castille was dying. There was a 5 year-old in the back seat!

That brought out Black Lives Matters, blocking traffic on I-94. But what NOBODY who planned to protest wanted was some of the protesters to turn it into a violent protest. 

According to a local "Conservative" Talk Show host in the Twin Cities, the police violence on Bloody Sunday in Selma in 1965 was justified. I called in to Walter Hudson's show to point out his hypocrisy.

Right Wing talk shows and websites, like to link ANTIFA to the peaceful protests, such as the one protesting the planned speech of NAMBLA promoter, Milo Yiannopoulos.

What they don't want to understand is that ANTIFA is the last thing these peaceful protestors wanted.

  • "Berkeley students had spent weeks planning a nonviolent protest. They gathered outside the venue where Yiannopoulos would be speaking, waving signs and calling for the event to be shut down. And then the black bloc [ANTIFA] showed up

There is even a petition to declare ANTIFA a terrorist group.

ANTIFA caused chaos in Portland, the tRump inauguration and Berkeley, but the Mainstream Media is not able to dig deeper to expose these thugs.

On March 4th, at the state capitol in St. Paul, MN ANTIFA pepper-sprayed tRump supporters.  Even InfoWars admits it was ANTIFA but they miss the point. ANTIFA is keeping peaceful protests from taking place, and THAT IS BEING IGNORED by the left, right, and MSM.

FAKE NEWS ALERT: When a Bloomington man was convicted in a shooting at a protest in North Minneapolis, Walter used this as an example to show that SOME cops do get convicted. What Walter doesn't realize is that Allen Scarsella and three other men were wearing masks and a group of protesters were trying to get them to leave or take off the masks? Men wearing masks? Were they mimicking ANTIFA?

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