Pages by me

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Donald Trump has Alzheimer's

Hating Donald is like hating a person because they have a broken arm. This man has early symptoms of Alzheimer's and Ivanka moving close to him in the West Wing is treating the symptom, not the disease. Read the Time Magazine interview, then make him see a doctor. Click Here for early symptoms of Alzheimer's

Here is another source of Early Onset Alzheimer's

I had temporary short-term loss of memory due to prescription drugs (benzodiazepines). After two years off of them, my memory has returned but I remember what it was like. I know it when I see it.

  • I made due-lists.
  • Trump Tweets, it's so he can keep his thoughts straight, (or so he thinks.)
  • I had some things I said etched in my "muscle memory." 
  • Trump talks about Brexit, crowd sizes, etc. over and over.
  • I changed subjects in mid-paragraph, if not mid-sentence.
  • Hello? Did you read the article?
The big question is, "Who knows it and when did they know?" Is it patriotic to keep him in office knowing he has a mental illness? Not with Steve Bannon pulling the strings. 

Remember when Don, Jr. went to Kasich to offer him the VP job? When asked what he would be doing, he was told, 'running foreign and domestic policy.' When Kasich asked what Trump would do, he was told, 'Making America Great Again!" Trump is on the campaign trail, but even now he is reading from a teleprompter. Stress can exacerbate it quickly!
  • Ivanka is his care taker.
    • She has moved into the West Wing with security clearance fo

Remember the Korean missile launch while he is at dinner? Does this look like a man in control? Maybe he has Sundowner Syndrome. He is out of it. 

This is the mind of a man with dementia. How many times does he mention Brexit? Apologize? For what, he is struggling just to keep on point. 

From the Times article...

Yeah, it’s a cool story. I mean it’s, the concept is right. I predicted a lot of things, Michael. Some things that came to you a little bit later. But, you know, we just rolled out a list. Sweden. I make the statement, everyone goes crazy. The next day they have a massive riot, and death, and problems. Huma [Abedin] and Anthony [Weiner], you know, what I tweeted about that whole deal, and then it turned out he had it, all of Hillary’s email on his thingNATO, obsolete, because it doesn’t cover terrorism. They fixed that, and I said that the allies must pay. Nobody knew that they weren’t paying. I did. I figured it. Brexit, I was totally right about that. You were over there I think, when I predicted that, right, the day before. Brussels, I said, Brussels is not Brussels. I mean many other things,the election’s rigged against Bernie Sanders. We have a lot of things.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Curiouser and Curiouser

The FBI had the infamous Steele Dossier (pee-pee tape?) last July! Click Here

According to Yahoo! News, federal government sources said Christopher Steele (ex-MI6 agent) briefed investigators on his findings on July 5. That was around two weeks he wrote the first of the 17 memos that make up what has been dubbed the Trump dossier

Read more: Click Here

In September, 2016, Rep. Jerry Nadler told Comey not to announce anymore ongoing investigations regarding Hillary. Click Here

He asked why Hillary's investigation was publicly announced and NOT the Trump investigation that had started in July. Comey, defying this Congressman, released that they were going to review more emails found on Weiner's laptop, ELEVEN DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION. Watch and be as aghast as I am.

Creativity in times of crisis can't be overstated. Click Here for an hilarious tweet

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Work with the facts, live with the truth about ANTIFA

A cop killed a man in St. Paul, MN and it was filmed by his girlfriend in a live feed on Facebook. The cop, sounding frantic, was still pointing the gun as Phildo Castille was dying. There was a 5 year-old in the back seat!

That brought out Black Lives Matters, blocking traffic on I-94. But what NOBODY who planned to protest wanted was some of the protesters to turn it into a violent protest. 

According to a local "Conservative" Talk Show host in the Twin Cities, the police violence on Bloody Sunday in Selma in 1965 was justified. I called in to Walter Hudson's show to point out his hypocrisy.

Right Wing talk shows and websites, like to link ANTIFA to the peaceful protests, such as the one protesting the planned speech of NAMBLA promoter, Milo Yiannopoulos.

What they don't want to understand is that ANTIFA is the last thing these peaceful protestors wanted.

  • "Berkeley students had spent weeks planning a nonviolent protest. They gathered outside the venue where Yiannopoulos would be speaking, waving signs and calling for the event to be shut down. And then the black bloc [ANTIFA] showed up

There is even a petition to declare ANTIFA a terrorist group.

ANTIFA caused chaos in Portland, the tRump inauguration and Berkeley, but the Mainstream Media is not able to dig deeper to expose these thugs.

On March 4th, at the state capitol in St. Paul, MN ANTIFA pepper-sprayed tRump supporters.  Even InfoWars admits it was ANTIFA but they miss the point. ANTIFA is keeping peaceful protests from taking place, and THAT IS BEING IGNORED by the left, right, and MSM.

FAKE NEWS ALERT: When a Bloomington man was convicted in a shooting at a protest in North Minneapolis, Walter used this as an example to show that SOME cops do get convicted. What Walter doesn't realize is that Allen Scarsella and three other men were wearing masks and a group of protesters were trying to get them to leave or take off the masks? Men wearing masks? Were they mimicking ANTIFA?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Repeal of Johnson Amendment Makes Political Contributions Tax Deductible

“Church members could give tax-deductible donations to a church, which would then be used by the church to campaign for a specific candidate,” Click Here

This means $ Billions of campaign donations could become tax deductible by going through churches. That's just wrong!

Is tRump's Butt-buddy Putin a murderer or not?

Putin is a KGB/FSB trained killer. Click Here

The three most prominent murders that are commonly blamed on Putin in the West are those of politician Boris Nemtsov in 2015, journalist Anna Politkovskaya in 2006, and former intelligence officer Alexander Litvinenko also in 2006. An official inquiry in Britain concluded it was likely that Putin was behind the assassination of Litvinenko, who was poisoned with the radioactive substance polonium-210. That's the closest anyone has come to pinning a murder on Putin.

Flynn asked for extradition of Gulen

While working as a foreign agent, Michael Flynn asked for extradition of Fethullah Gulen as a suspect in the coup in Turkey. With all else going on, that November article was ignored. Click Here

In November, when asked about Flynn's motives, “The assumption that General Flynn wrote that in the context of a lobbying contract with me is completely false,” Mr. Alptekin said. “He never consulted with me. I would have advised against it.” And he said the notion that Mr. Erdogan would pay to have the article published was “preposterous,” citing its criticism of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Mr. Erdogan has supported in the past."

Monday, March 13, 2017

tRump's Saturday Night Massacre

It might take a fellow New Yorker to take down our Useful Idiot. Click here
As the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, Bharara had the ability to investigate Trump’s conflict of interests. A letter from several watchdog organizations sent to Bharara on Wednesday insisted that the attorney look into whether Trump had violated the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

And Fake President Bannon is a great one to follow. Click Here

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Just listened to a CD from on December 3, 2016. by Stephen Frand Cohen (born November 25, 1938) He is an American scholar and professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton University and New York University.[1][2][3] 

He doesn't understand the aggression of Russia in Crimea and Syria? It's all about Sea Ports. Click Here.

What a Putin Puppet! No proof of any murders by Putin? LOL. And he is a contributing editor to progressive magazine The Nation? Everybody has a price. What is his agenda? Click Here

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Is Wilbur Ross a major stockholder in a bank that loaned tRump $300 million? I think so!

These relationships between nominee Ross and the oligarchs involve ownership and management of a European bank with a reputation for laundering Russian money and making bad loans.
The study also compared flight records of Trump’s campaign plane and a plane used by one of the oligarchs. During the campaign, the two planes often were at the same airports at the same time..

When did Globalism get a bad rap, and by whom? Click Here

Can we get globalization right? It has emerged as an all-purpose scapegoat for our economic woes — lost jobs, depressed wages, large trade deficits, greater income inequality, anxieties about the future. The reality is otherwise: Although globalization is genuine, it’s been distorted and its ills exaggerated.  (By ROBERT J. SAMUELSON)

Friday, March 10, 2017

Michael Flynn, who started the "Lock Her UP" chant, is possibly going to be changed with a felony for taking $500,000 from Turkey and didn't register as a Foreign Agent Click Here

And if he builds a wall, they'll make longer ladders, or just ramps.


Trump had a peace deal with Russia for Ukraine's Crimea port!

The unsubstantiated dossier that got the whole thing going. Michael Steele's Dossier.

Amid Russia scrutiny, Trump associates received informal Ukraine policy proposal Click Here

Michael Cohen struggles with four different versions about trying to explain the Russian peace proposal that he and Flynn were working on, by Click Here

Merriam Webster is trolling Trump Administration. This is hilarious!